老顾客享受特殊补色价格。 Special retouch price for existing clients, please click on each treatment for details. 关于定金:预约完整半永久项目(纹眉/纹美瞳线/纹发际线/纹唇/头皮仿真毛囊),需要缴纳定金。 A deposit is required for securing your appointment. 预约须知:预约改期需提前一周通过微信、电话或电子邮件与新月客服进行确认。 预约日期一周内不可改期。预约可转让,定金不可退。 The deposit once paid is non-refundable. Please contact Lunar Year Studio at least one week ahead of time by phone/wechat/email if trying to reschedule. 英国伦敦新月工作室。