须知及常见问题:1.如何决定我的纹身设计?伦敦新月工作室的所有单针纹身图案均为首席技师Xi Wang创作,且每个设计图样仅限一位客人使用,以确   保纹身的独特性和原创性。除了所展出的设计图样,我们也可以接受客人不同主题的commission。Can I ask the tattooist to design my own private tattoo?Yes, definitely. Each tattoo sketches exhibited either on our website or social media accounts are artworks by our head technician Xi and are exclusive to only one client. Besides, you could commission a design from us if you have an interested subject.2. 什么是单针纹身?单针纹身(Single Needle Tattoo/Fine line Tattoo)利用最细腻的笔触创作灵活精美的纹身,并可以在紧凑面积内实现最多的细节表现。单针纹身的精细程度及细节呈现度与传统粗线条、高对比度色彩的传统纹身完全相反,如同用“细铅笔及软笔刷绘画”相比“马克笔漫画”的区别。What is single needle tattoo?With single needle technique tattooist uses 1rl needle to complete most of the works. It allows for a greater level of detail and more complexity to finish a intricate and delicate design in a smaller area compared to traditional tattoo.3. 纹身会疼吗?纹身会有痛感,但同时身体会分泌内啡肽来缓解疼痛,因此很多客人会喜欢上纹身的感觉。Does it hurt?Yes, however your body will help you with the process by releasing endorphinsand that is why some people kind of like the feeling by the end.4. 如何护理我的纹身?恢复大概需要2周左右的时间,新月工作室会为您提供详细的护理说明。How to take care of my tattoo?It takes about 2 weeks to heal and you will be given an instruction letter after the procedure.5. 预约纹身当天有什么需要注意的吗?请在纹身前饮水并提前两小时吃饭,保证身体充足的含水量和能量是非常重要的。请避免宿醉、大量饮酒和含有咖啡因的饮料,过快的血液循环会影响最终的效果。Any pre-treatment advice?Please do eat well before attending your appointment and stay hydrated throughout. Its best not to party the night before because alcohol can increase bleeding for up to 24 hours.

#伦敦纹身 #单针纹身 #伦敦艺术家纹身 #英国纹身